Sniffle Solutions

Between colds and allergies, my son always has a stuffy nose. How can I help him breathe easier?

Between colds and allergies, my son always has a stuffy nose. How can I help him breathe easier?

First, make sure your son is drinking throughout the day, since chugging liquids can thin mucus.

Next, have him breathe in some steam to lubricate his nose and chest, which can unclog those passages. A few options:

  • Run a hot shower and have him sit in the bathroom with the door closed for 10 minutes.
  • Fill a bowl with hot water, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, place a towel on top and waft the steam towards him. (Placing his head directly above the bowl without a towel may lead to burns.)
  • Run a humidifier in his room, especially while he sleeps.

If he’s still feeling stuffed up, try an over-the-counter saline spray to loosen the congestion and moisten nasal membranes.

A neti pot, which flushes salt water through your nose and sinuses, has also been shown to ease cold and allergy symptoms. Using one can be tricky and uncomfortable for children, so you may need to practice a few times -- or consult your pediatrician for tips. And only use it when you’re stuffed up: Washing your sinuses daily may actually raise your risk for infection over the long run, because experts say that it may interfere with your natural immune response.

Have you ever tried a neti pot? What was your experience? Join the conversation.

Check out my Expert Blog next week for the first aid essentials all parents need to keep at home.



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