Every Day Connected

We just got a new computer for our kids. What's the best web site filtering software we can use to block out unwanted adult content?

We just got a new computer for our kids. What''s the best web site filtering software we can use to ...

Web site filtering software is never foolproof and many kids are savvy about getting around the blocks. That said, #IF($EnableExternalLinks)cyberpatrol.c#COMMENT#ENDCOMMENTom#ELSECyber Patrol#ENDIF, #IF($EnableExternalLinks)surfcontrol.c#COMMENT#ENDCOMMENTom#ELSEWebsense#ENDIF and #IF($EnableExternalLinks)cybersitter.c#COMMENT#ENDCOMMENTom#ELSECYBERsitter#ENDIF remain popular choices. Each program allows you to use pre-set filters to block inappropriate content and to also manually block sites you select.



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