Every Day Connected

Texting has made my daughter's cell phone bill skyrocket. Are there more affordable alternatives?

Texting has made my daughter''s cell phone bill skyrocket. Are there more affordable alternatives?

Most mobile phone service providers now offer an unlimited text-messaging plan, which is a good place to start so you're not paying for every message she sends. Check your provider's web site for this option and research the rates on "digital" plans to get a handle on the cost of your daughter surfing the Internet via her phone if it's web-enabled. You can also consider getting your daughter a pre-paid phone so you can set a cap on her overall cell phone budget. To compare rate plans for major mobile providers, check out sites like #IF($EnableExternalLinks)myrateplan.c#COMMENT#ENDCOMMENTom#ELSEMy Rate Plan#ENDIF and #IF($EnableExternalLinks)letstalk.c#COMMENT#ENDCOMMENTom#ELSELets Talk#ENDIF.



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