Sniffle Solutions

What’s the best way to use a humidifier to ease cold and flu symptoms?

What’s the best way to use a humidifier to ease cold and flu symptoms?

Using a humidifier can ease congestion as well as soothe sore throats and dry nasal airways. To comfort your sick child, let the humidifier run continuously. You may even want to leave it on throughout the winter. Since cold and flu viruses thrive in dry air, a humidifier may help fend off illness and keep your family healthy.

But before you use your humidifier, make sure that you’re using a model with a built-in humidistat. This feature keeps humidity in a designated range: Too little moisture in the air can dry out your skin, nose and throat; too much can lead to mold and bacteria growth. That can irritate breathing passageways and worsen allergies.

For your child’s safety, look for a cool-mist model. They’re just as effective as warm-mist humidifiers, without the worry of a potential burning hazard.

It’s also not a bad idea to use distilled water. Humidifiers have been shown to be very effective at dispersing the minerals in tap water into the air, resulting in a pesky white dust on surfaces near where it’s used. Minerals in tap water can also create crusty deposits inside the humidifier -- a hotbed for microorganisms.

Finally, it’s important to keep your humidifier clean by replacing the water, rinsing the tank and scrubbing it down often. (Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.) This will prevent the growth of harmful mold, fungi and bacteria.



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