When I was a little girl, my mom and I had a weird relationship. (We still do, but that’s another blog post). In those days, it was not uncommon for us to attack each other with mayonnaise as we settled in for the night. Now let me clarify: As my mom discovered when she was younger -- and passed on to me, since she was my original beauty inspiration -- slathering mayonnaise on your hair will make it soft and shiny. It totally works!
We always used the full-fat kind, but now as I get older and am a little more conscious about what I’m putting into (or on) my body, I’m all about making my very own “mayo” hair masque. You can either use 1 cup of all-natural, full-fat mayonnaise or create your own by mixing one large or two small egg yolk(s) at room temperature with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
Whatever type of mayo you choose, slather it onto your locks. (Damp, just-washed hair is fine, but you totally don’t have to wash it first since you will have to after this treatment anyway.) Massage the mayo in, even if it feels nasty. This is very much like a hot-oil treatment, so you can cover your head with a plastic shower cap and a warm towel. Tip: A great way to warm your towel is to just toss it in the dryer for a few minutes first.
This is just one great home hair remedy. Here are two of my other favorites I’ve discovered over the years when my hair needs a boost.
I don’t drink it, personally, but I learned early on -- ALSO from my awesome mom -- that beer is great way to add shine and body to your hair. The scientific reason is that beer contains a ton of yeast, which plumps hair (much as beer will plump other parts of you). It’s easy: Mix 1/2 cup flat beer (pour your beer into a container and let it sit out for a couple of hours to kill the carbonation) with a bit of oil (any kind is fine) and a raw egg. Apply the mixture to clean, damp hair, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
If you are in a rush (or out of oil and eggs), add flat beer to a spray bottle and spritz it onto dry hair. Leave it in for about a half an hour. If my hair really needs a pick-me-up, I leave it on overnight.
Guacamole is my favorite food, but avocados are good for your whole body, inside and out, from skin masques (that’ll be another post!) to hair masques. My great secret for fighting frizz is to mash up half an avocado and mush it into my hair. Leave it in for 30 minutes, then wash it out. You can also mix the avocado with a bit of mayo or sour cream to make it extra-hydrating, but it works great on its own!
So, did your mom pass down any of her beauty secrets to you? How do you add shine to your hair?