Beauty & Confidence

My son developed a fever the day after getting a flu shot. Should I keep him home from school?

My son developed a fever the day after getting a flu shot. Should I keep him home from school?

Yes, you should certainly keep your son home if he's feverish. It's not uncommon for a fever to develop one or two days following shots, but a fever could also indicate an underlying infection unrelated to the immunization.

If you're wondering whether or not you should send your child to school, ask yourself a couple of important questions: How miserable will he be if he feels feverish in class? Will he truly be able to learn and participate? Consider that keeping your son home for one day could save him the additional two days (or more) it might take if he's trying to get healthy while at school.

Contact your doctor if the fever continues for more than a couple of days or if it's over 103 F. Before sending your child back to school, make sure that he's fever-free for at least 24 hours -- without the use of fever-reducing medicines.

Photo: Corbis Images



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